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Shriyanka Sene

Meditation Teacher

Shriyanka Sene is a spiritual empowerment mentor with a following of 148k on Instagram. As the owner of Sun Ripened Soul, she guides individuals through soulful and powerful meditations centered on compassion, connection, and creation. Shriyanka’s work emphasizes deepening awareness of the connection between mind, body, soul, earth, universe, and all beings, and harnessing the power of manifestation to consciously shape one’s inner and outer worlds.

Her meditations are designed to help individuals rediscover their own power and embody authenticity, freedom, and Love. Shriyanka’s mission is to spark the divine remembrance that we are all Love at our core, benefiting the collective consciousness through individual transformation. She is also the creator of “Living With Soul” and expresses herself as a sister, energy worker, artist, and soon-to-be published author. Shriyanka’s profound yet simple messages inspire her audience to drop into their hearts and open their minds.